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Film Data
Jockey  2021
Director:  Clint Bentley
  Clint Bentley, Greg Kwedar and Nancy Schafer
Art Director:
  Danny Bravens
  Parker Laramie
  Bryce Dessner and Aaron Dessner
  Clint Bentley and Greg Kwedar
Director of Photography:
  Adolpho Veloso
spacer1 Clifton Collins Jr.
spacer1 Molly Parker
spacer1 Moises Arias
spacer1 Logan Cormier
spacer1 Colleen Hartnett
spacer1 Vincent Francia
spacer1 Marlon St. Julien
spacer1 Danny Garcia
spacer1 John Shumaker
spacer1 Willie Whitehouse
spacer1 Stacey Nottingham
spacer1 Bryce Donaldson
spacer1 Clifton Collins Jr. spacer1 Molly Parker spacer1 Moises Arias
spacer1 Logan Cormier spacer1 Colleen Hartnett spacer1 Vincent Francia
spacer1 Marlon St. Julien spacer1 Danny Garcia spacer1 John Shumaker
spacer1 Willie Whitehouse spacer1 Stacey Nottingham spacer1 Bryce Donaldson
spacer1 Clifton Collins Jr. spacer1 Molly Parker
spacer1 Moises Arias spacer1 Logan Cormier
spacer1 Colleen Hartnett spacer1 Vincent Francia
spacer1 Marlon St. Julien spacer1 Danny Garcia
spacer1 John Shumaker spacer1 Willie Whitehouse
spacer1 Stacey Nottingham spacer1 Bryce Donaldson

Seasoned horse jockey Jackson (Clifton Collins Jr.) has weathered decades of races on the riding circuit, but he now finds himself facing what could be his last season as his health deteriorates. With the help of Ruth (Molly Parker) and a promising new horse, Jackson starts to prepare for the upcoming championship. His plans take a left turn when a budding young jockey (Moisés Arias) shows up and claims to be his son. Caught between yearning for a connection and uncertainty about his own future, Jackson confronts difficult questions regarding his legacy.

Shot at a live racetrack and with a keen eye for veracity, Jockey gives us an achingly personal window into a world we’ve never seen up close before, where fortunes are flipped upside down from one moment to the next and the freedom of riding comes at a grueling physical price. Collins delivers an intimately layered performance guided by director Clint Bentley, whose own experiences imbue authenticity and naturalism into this moving portrait of a sport unlike any other.

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