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Film Data
Nitram  2021
Director:  Justin Kurzel
  Nick Batzias, Shaun Grant, Justin Kurzel and Virginia Whitwell
Art Director:
  Marni Kornhauser
  Nick Fenton
  Jed Kurzel
  Shaun Grant
Director of Photography:
  German McMicking
spacer1 Caleb Landry-Jones
spacer1 Essie Davis
spacer1 Anthony LaPaglia
people1 Judy Davis
spacer1 Rick James
spacer1 Annabel Marshall-Roth
spacer1 Sean Keenan
spacer1 Conrad Brandt
spacer1 Caleb Landry-Jones spacer1 Essie Davis spacer1 Anthony LaPaglia
people1 Judy Davis spacer1 Rick James spacer1 Annabel Marshall-Roth
spacer1 Sean Keenan spacer1 Conrad Brandt spacer1
spacer1 Caleb Landry-Jones spacer1 Essie Davis
spacer1 Anthony LaPaglia people1 Judy Davis
spacer1 Rick James spacer1 Annabel Marshall-Roth
spacer1 Sean Keenan spacer1 Conrad Brandt

The depiction of mass murder is a thorny topic that Justin Kurzel confronts head-on in Nitram, a lightly fictionalised but resolutely unsensational account of the real-life events that saw a 28-year-old Tasmanian shoot 35 people dead and injure 23 more.

Caleb Landry Jones takes the title role, a boy nicknamed ‘Nitram’ because his real name is Martin and the community thinks he’s ‘backward’. He’s a selfish, violent young man whom his parents love but can’t control and who, somehow, ends up with a deranged lottery heiress. Nothing about his life is normal, but red flags about his erratic behaviour go unheeded. Could he have been stopped? Nitram always appeared profoundly troubled, but Australia’s lax gun laws made him a murderer.

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