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Film Data
Great Freedom  2021
Große Freiheit / Grosse Freiheit
Director:  Sebastian Meise
  Sabine Moser, Oliver Neumann and Benny Drechsel
Art Director:
  Michael Randel
  Joana Scrinzi
  Nils Petter Molvaer and Peter Brötzmann
  Sebastian Meise and Thomas Reider
Director of Photography:
  Crystel Fournier
spacer1 Franz Rogowski
spacer1 Georg Friedrich
spacer1 Anton von Lucke
spacer1 Thomas Prenn
spacer1 Franz Rogowski spacer1 Georg Friedrich spacer1 Anton von Lucke
spacer1 Thomas Prenn spacer1 spacer1
spacer1 Franz Rogowski spacer1 Georg Friedrich
spacer1 Anton von Lucke spacer1 Thomas Prenn

In post-war Germany, Hans (a remarkable performance from Franz Rogowski) finds himself repeatedly incarcerated in a high-security prison. With Paragraph 175 outlawing the ‘unnatural sex act committed between persons of male sex’, Hans is continually forced to pay a heavy price for his desire to live an authentic life.

As the decades roll by, Hans finds a succession of lovers during his stints behind bars, but one constant emerges in his fractured existence – his friendship with cell mate Viktor. Serving a life sentence for murder, Viktor’s initial hostility and revulsion towards Hans slowly begins to thaw, and over time the unlikely pair develop an intense and primal bond.

Set across three different timelines, Sebastian Meise’s arresting drama offers a powerful reflection on historical injustice and the persecution of homosexuals, as seen through the eyes of one man. It is a hard-hitting, often uncompromising piece of work, yet beneath its tough exterior lies a deeply unsentimental, disarmingly tender love story that is almost impossible to forget.

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