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Film Data
Leave No Traces  2021
Żeby Nie Było Śladów
Director:  Jan P Matuszyński
  Leszek Bodzak, Aneta Hickinbotham, Patrice Nezan, Laurent Versini, Małgorzata Seck, Alicja Gancarz and Mikulas Novotny
Art Director:
  Paweł Jarzębski
  Przemysław Chruścielewski
  Ibrahim Maalouf
  Kaja Krawczyk-Wnuk
Director of Photography:
  Kacper Fertacz
image 1
spacer1 Tomasz Ziętek
spacer1 Sandra Korzeniak
spacer1 Mateusz Górski
spacer1 Jacek Braciak
spacer1 Robert Więckiewicz
spacer1 Sebastian Pawlak
spacer1 Agnieszka Grochowska
spacer1 Tomasz Ziętek spacer1 Sandra Korzeniak spacer1 Mateusz Górski
spacer1 Jacek Braciak spacer1 Robert Więckiewicz spacer1 Sebastian Pawlak
spacer1 Agnieszka Grochowska spacer1 spacer1
spacer1 Tomasz Ziętek spacer1 Sandra Korzeniak
spacer1 Mateusz Górski spacer1 Jacek Braciak
spacer1 Robert Więckiewicz spacer1 Sebastian Pawlak
spacer1 Agnieszka Grochowska spacer1

While the killing itself appears to be a case of unmotivated sadism, the case is soon deemed political when reported on the BBC World Service. This leads to a concerted effort by the authorities to distort legal procedure and falsify the evidence through blackmail and physical intimidation. Very much a film in the tradition of Andrzej Wajda’s Man of Marble

, Jan P Matuszyński’s second feature provides a penetrating insight into the realities of life in Polish society following the imposition of martial law. Its compelling narrative and strong performances document a critical period in Poland’s history, while making a crucial statement on the necessity for an independent rule of law – a principle that can no longer be taken for granted in supposedly democratic countries.

disc test