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Film Data
Poltergeist  1982
Director:  Tobe Hooper
  Steven Spielberg and Frank Marshall
Art Director:
  James H. Spencer
  Michael Kann
  Jerry Goldsmith
  Steven Spielberg, Michael Grais and Mark Victor
Director of Photography:
  Matthew F. Leonetti
people1 JoBeth Williams people1 Craig T. Nelson spacer1 Beatrice Straight spacer1 Dominique Dunne
spacer1 Oliver Robbins spacer1 Heather O'Rourke spacer1 spacer1
people1 JoBeth Williams people1 Craig T. Nelson spacer1 Beatrice Straight
spacer1 Dominique Dunne spacer1 Oliver Robbins spacer1 Heather O'Rourke
people1 JoBeth Williams people1 Craig T. Nelson
spacer1 Beatrice Straight spacer1 Dominique Dunne
spacer1 Oliver Robbins spacer1 Heather O'Rourke

The Freeling family living in a house in a suburban development, Cuesta Vista, they become alarmed when they hear noises in the night and furniture starts to move. The paranormal events multiply until their youngest girl, who claims she can see ghosts, is sucked into the TV set. Bringing in a team of psychic investigators, who discover the house is built on an ancient Indian burial ground, they soon have to face the horrors within the house in order to rescue their child and save themselves.
Tremendously effective horror tale, directed by Tobe Hooper (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre) with some uncredited help from producer Steven Spielberg. Tremendous set-pieces are helped by JoBeth Williams and Craig T.Nelson, trying to cope with an escalating situation without losing their minds. Some horrendously grim scenes including the discovery of what really is in the basement and the real reason why you shouldn't look in the bathroom mirror and pick your spots....

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