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Film Data
Get Carter  1971
Director:  Mike Hodges
people1 Michael Caine spacer1 Ian Hendry spacer1 Britt Ekland spacer1 John Osborne
spacer1 Alun Armstrong spacer1 Petra Markham spacer1 spacer1
people1 Michael Caine spacer1 Ian Hendry spacer1 Britt Ekland
spacer1 John Osborne spacer1 Alun Armstrong spacer1 Petra Markham
people1 Michael Caine spacer1 Ian Hendry
spacer1 Britt Ekland spacer1 John Osborne
spacer1 Alun Armstrong spacer1 Petra Markham

Taken from the novel Jack's Return Home by Ted Hughes, this is one of the seminal British gangster films, with Michael Caine giving a superb performance as the controlled, menacing Jack Carter, a gangster from down South showing obvious destain for the Northerners. Fine support from Ian Hendry as a chauffeur cum dogsbody for the real villain of the piece, actor and playwright John Osborne, but the real honours belong to Caine and director Mike Hodges. Remade with an all-black cast in 1973 as Hit Man, and in 2000 with Sylvester Stallone in the lead and Caine giving a cameo.

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